Green Thumb for Kids- Gardening forChildren
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Green Thumb for Kids- Gardening forChildren

Total Universe Universe Rate $90.00/M
18,643 12 MONTH BUYERS + $90.00/M  
50,173 1st qtr 2022 + $10.00/M  

Green Thumb for Kids- Gardening for Children

Reach young families with children who are developing a healthy appreciation for the wonders of nature. Families’ teaching their children to respect the environment is made easy with Green Thumb for Kids’fun how-to gardening and planting projects. Nationally, youngsters 4-12 get to delight at digging in the soil and growing their own flowers and vegetables garden. Quarterly, Green Thumb Kids receive a new seaasonal issue along with free seed and the opportunity for great discounts on many bulbs, seeds, and botanicals.


Category Income

SCF: $5.00/M

SEX: $5.00/M

Minium Order 5000

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Popularity: 97
Card Quality: D 65.0
Market: Consumer
Type: Postal
Source: Publications
Opt-In: Opt-in
Geo: USA
Spending: $19.95 Average Order
Peppermill Marketing,
Inc. since 11/17/2005

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