About Us

We are committed to providing the highest quality product, our state of the art equipment provides precise trimming of the formliners saving you time and money as well as providing you with an excellent concrete element.


We offer a single-source approach – engineering and design, drawings, production, packaging and shipping.

About Us​

From initial concept to final production of your formliners, Precision Formed Plastics delivers on time quality.


Quality – ISO 9001-2020 certified to ensure the highest standards in precision and performance.


Customization – Custom patterns and options designed for your project with formliner sizes up to 4′ x 14′.


Precision – Precise trimming ensures uniform mating of the formliners.


Expertise – Decades of combined thermoforming and tooling experience as well as decades of experience representing the formliner industry.

Innovation – improving the customer’s ease of use with custom options for complex patterns.


Technology – CNC work performed “in house” by Precision Formed Plastic’s technicians.


Collaboration – we value your vision; your ideas and feedback are essential to creating a final product that exceeds expectations.


Commitment – customer satisfaction is our priority. We are committed to quality – reliability and continuous improvement.


Communication – keeping you informed every step of the way.


Relationships – we build long term relationships based collaboration, communication and commitment (just to name a few).


Success – your success is our priority. Our products are designed with your goals in mind.